Sam Shamoun is Correct…But I Saw it First!

David Wood has been busy on his YouTube channel recently.  He’s currently putting out a 30 day series over Ramadan called Islamicize Me, which is a parody of the documentary Supersize Me.  However, instead of eating fast food for 30 days straight they’re following the commands of Muhammad for 30 days, including the weird hadith commands that most Muslims don’t know about or ignore.  However, I’m more interested in the serious work that he’s been putting out like the video above.  It’s a video of David Wood, Sam Shamoun, and Al Fadi going over Islamic arguments.

An Interesting Note About Latin Christianity in North Africa in the 11th Century

St. Augustine of Hippo

We tend to think about Latin Christianity coming to an end in North Africa when the Arabs invaded in the 7th Century.  However, that’s an overly simplistic way of putting it.  For example, Donald Trump took the office of President in January 2017 but did anything really change in America?  Not really.  People just went about their lives.

Ibn Khaldun on Christianity

The Muqaddimah

One of my hobbies is reading what classical Islamic scholars said about Christianity.  Recently I’ve been reading Ibn Khaldun’s Muqaddimah which is a famous work that one could probably pick up a local bookstore; if not it can easily be ordered online.  What I read is quite shocking.  A while back, I wrote a few posts on how the Quran gets the Trinity wrong.  Although that error is a big deal, it’s bush league compared to what Khaldun writes about Christianity, Judaism and the Bible.

Muhammad and the Daughters of Jerusalem

Women from Jerusalem

In the past, I’ve written several posts on the theory that Muhammad is predicted in the Song of Solomon.  I did a post about the context of the book and how it promotes the drinking of wine in a positive way.  I looked at the word that is supposedly Muhammad’s name and showed that those who know Hebrew don’t spell Muhammad’s name that way.  That includes Muslims and Quran translations into Hebrew.

What do Sola Scriptura and Tawheed have in Common?

Mecca – The city where Tawheed was invented

In debating with Protestants, a doctrine that usually comes up is Sola Scriptura, aka Scripture alone.  In debating with Muslims the concept of Tawheed vs Trinitarianism comes up.  For those who don’t know, Tawheed is the word for Islamic Unitarianism.  As a Catholic, I believe both Sola Scriptura and Tawheed to be false doctrines and ironically their apologists make the same logical flaw in defending them.

Another Conversation from the Birthday Party

View from the balcony where the discussion took place.

The discussion about ex-Muslims was good but earlier in the evening another discussion took place.  The birthday was at a downtown condo.  I had a good discussion on the balcony with a lady from my Church.  The topic of discussion was the presence of Islam in the West and the Identitarian movement, specifically a YouTube video including Martin Sellner.

Discussions at a Birthday Party About Ex-Muslims

He wanted to appear younger than he was so he didn’t put a 2 in front of the 6

On Wednesday I was at a birthday for a friend.  It was a really fun time.  In addition to praying the rosary at this birthday party, we sang happy birthday in multiple different languages.  There was only about a dozen of us but we sang Happy Birthday in English, French, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian, and Arabic.  Personally, I thought Hungarian sounded the best.  I was actually surprised that I understood most of the Polish version.

Identitarianism Won’t Save Europe

Above is an interview of Martin Sellner, who is a leading Identitarian in Europe.  What is the goal of the Identitarian movement?  To save Europe from Islam of course.  In this interview we find some disturbing things.  It’s all about ethnicity.  It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian, atheist, neo-pagan, socialist, or capitalist.  It’s all about being European and non-Islamic.  That’s essentially what it is.

Lauren Southern is Anti-Christian

As an apologist who deals with Islam, I believe that we should be careful about the arguments that we use against them.  They should be thought out and well researched.  In terms of those blog posts on Surah 5, they actually came after carefully researching the passage through Islamic commentaries and the historical context and even field testing them against Muslims.  A good example would be to look at Protestant arguments against Catholicism.  Here’s an example: