Aisha’s Marriage to Muhammad – The Taboo Subject of Her Age

When Christians or Western Secularists deal with Western Muslims who give dawah, one common thing to do is to point out the fact that Muhammad had sex with Aisha when she was nine.  Some will call him a pedophile for doing that.  I want to assess this whole scenario.  I want to deal with this because recently a Christian and a Muslim who frequently comment on this blog had an argument surrounding this issue.  I want to give my take on it.

Dawah is a Battleship – Let’s Sink It

No country in the world uses battleships anymore.  You’re probably wondering why?  They’re expensive, slow and are sitting ducks for navy planes.  In the Russo-Japanese War(In which one of my ancestors fought in and was awarded the Cross of St. George) and World War I battleships were the way to go but now they’ve received an honorable burial.  In many ways, dawah is like a battleship.  It has extreme weaknesses.

Ahmed Deedat, Zakir Hussain, and the Sign of Jonah

The sign of Jonah is used by many Muslim apologists to try to force an error into the mouth of Jesus to show that the NT contains a false prophecy and that we need to go to their seventh century text for the answers.  I really wish that they wouldn’t do this because it’s nitpicking.  It’s not going for the whole picture, but nitpicking at the peripherals.  Still, they’re wrong on this one.

Isabella and Fernando Were Wrong to Expel the Muslims in 1492

The Alhambra in Grenada

One very controversial act in history was the expulsion of the Jews and the Moors from Spain in 1492.  From then until the early 1800’s, Spain was a bastion for Catholicism in the world.  They probably did more than any other country in history for Catholicism and for that I’m thankful.  Their greatness was not only in political, military, and colonial power, but in faith as well.  They were able to produce amazing saints such as St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and so many others.  Imagine a country as Catholic as Poland with the military power of the United States.  That’s what Spain was for over three centuries.

An Analysis of the Mecca-Petra Theory

The Temple of Dushares in Petra

Some opponents of Islam have dug deep into revisionist history.  One of them is Jay Smith who has been working with Dan Gibson in developing a theory that the real Mecca is actually Petra.  Do I accept this theory?  Right now I don’t because there is simply not enough evidence.  Now, they seem to bring more and more evidence every time they present but in my opinion it’s still insufficient.  

Islamicize Me and the Evangelical Civil War

There is an Evangelical civil war going on in the realm of apologetics.  On one side is James White who fewer and fewer apologists seem to want to affiliate with.  The other side is the David Wood, Vocab Malone, Jon Mcrae and Sam Shamoun camp.  This split happened a couple of years ago when James White did an interfaith event with Muslim theologian Yasir Qadhi.  While I thought that this interfaith event was a mistake, I do believe that White’s opponents were too harsh on him.