One critic of White posted a picture of him like this. Was it really necessary? No it wasn’t.
Calvinist apologist James White has responded to my posts twice. The last time, he spent over an hour responding to a critique that I made of him. I think that everyone can agree that White and I are not on the same side. I desperately want to see the man become a Catholic just as much as he wants me to stop being one. Recently, many of his fellow Calvinists have criticized him on an interfaith dialogue that he had with Islamic apologist Dr. Yasir Qadhi. I have criticized this dialogue as well. It came as quite a shock that someone like White would participate in it. Regardless, he did and he still continues to defend what he did.
At the same time, I will admit that the attacks against White have gone overboard. This event happened months ago. It ended with the parting of ways of Sam Shamoun and James White. Why is this coming up again, months later? To all the Calvinists who are criticizing White I say the following: