Calling All Muslim Apologists: Three Debates I’d Like to See

After watching the debate between Shabir Ally and David Wood, I started thinking about what kind of debates I’d like to see Muslims engage in.  The more debates that I thought of, the more I noticed something interesting.  In these ideal debates, not one of them was with an apologist defending Christianity.  The more I though about it, every Muslim debate that I’ve seen was with an apologist defending the Christian viewpoint.  Here are the three debates that I’d like to see.

Pedophilia for Best Picture?

I have said more than once on this blog that the left is the biggest danger to the Christian faith.  This year at the Oscars, there is a movie promoting pedophilia entitled Call Me By Your Name.  In 2005 when homosexual “marriage” passed in my country.  I wasn’t happy but I thought that at least this charade was over.  Eventually this trans garbage come of the scene with Caitlyn Jenner.  Do you think this will stop here?  Not a chance.  If you understand the left, Original Sin, and Divine Judgment, it all makes sense.

Further Thoughts on the McDowell vs Vines Debate

In the debate that I previously reviewed, I explained how I thought Sean McDowell did a good job of sticking to the text and not going for the red herrings of Matthew Vines.  I agreed with McDowell’s answers, though I would have had a slightly different answer to one of the challenges of Vines.  

Paul vs James: Insert New Variable Here

Exposing the Islamic Misuse

The Adnan Rashid vs James White debate resurfaced another popular trend in Islamic apologetics.  Muslim apologists really seem to be playing on the whole supposed dichotomy between James and Paul.  Of course, these apologists haven’t done an in depth study of Paul.  In a dialogue it’s hard to go in depth into Pauline writings to show that there isn’t a contradiction between the two since it requires in depth exegesis of the text.

How Powerful is Islam?

Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror who lived during the days when Islam was very powerful

I have often criticized fellow Christians and conservatives in my country and other Western countries for blaming societal problems on Islam and Muslims.  I have often expressed anger at this because it is in my opinion an abdication of responsibility.  Muslims aren’t the reason that Western countries have homosexual “marriage”, sky high abortion rates, sky high divorce rates, euthanasia, feminism, or Darwinism taught in our schools.

Judaism vs Zionism…and Donald Trump

Donald Trump has recently announced that America will now recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.  Also, he has initiated a process where the embassy will be moved to Jerusalem.  This obviously has huge ramifications for the Arab Israeli conflict.  I won’t comment on that here, but I do want to talk about the history of Zionism.

Orwell Would Be Proud of Michael Coren and “Christian” Leftists

To this day, 1984 is one of my favorite works of fiction.  George Orwell certainly knocked it out of the park on this one.  It’s because of having read books like this and studied logic that I know how to see past slippery language. 

The Demon Justin Trudeau Apologizes to the LGBTQ2 Community of Canada

I remember in 2005 when homosexual “marriage” was voted on in the house.  I remember where I was sitting when a majority of the Members of Parliament spat in God’s face and profaned the holy institution and marriage.  However, when it was over I said to myself: At least it’s over now.  We don’t have to deal with this garbage again.  We can move on.

Thoughts on the Counter-Enlightenment

Count Joseph de Maistre

Happy Sunday!  For many years, I’ve been familiar with the Papal Encyclicals that deal with the corrupt and anti-Christian ideas of the so called Enlightenment.  The Popes of the 19th Century such as Gregory XVI, Pius IX and others condemned Enlightenment ideas such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and representative democracy.

The Fall of Michael Coren

Michael Coren is the first person to block me on Twitter.  I’ve been a harsh critic of his.  About four years ago, he endorsed homosexual “marriage” and started attending an Anglican Church since they take a more liberal approach to sodomy.  Of course, the Anglicans of old would consider this to be full blown apostasy but rationality seems to go out the window for enemies of Jesus Christ.