Has anyone asked the following question: why didn’t the so called Reformation happen in the East? Why didn’t it happen in Russia, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Armenia and other Eastern Countries that call themselves Christian. This is something that I’ve thought about for a long time and I believe that I’ve found the answer.
Category Archives: Church History
Further details for Dr. Michael Brown
This post is a follow up from my last post. Read it to get up to speed on my refutation of Dr. Brown’s critique of my post.
Responding to Dr. Michael Brown
On November 9, Dr. Michael Brown responded to a post of mine on his podcast. Here is the link:
His response starts at 16:30 and lasts a little under 10 minutes.
Dr. Michael Brown is a very intelligent man. His Biblical scholarship is first rate. I also admire him for exposing Rabbi Tovia Singer as a liar and a charlatan. I’ve probably read a dozen of Dr. Brown’s books. I’ve learned so much from reading what he has written on the Bible. Church history on the other hand is not an area that he excels in. He responded to my October 31 post where I said that the Catholic Church and Martin Luther bear zero responsibility for the holocaust. Keep in mind, I’m only defending the Catholic Church and one Protestant. No one else. Dr. Brown didn’t seem to get that as he was quoting 20th Century Protestant scholars who said Jesus was an Aryan and Nazi Biblical scholars. Obviously I don’t endorse that kind of stupidity, nor do I say they didn’t have a hand in the holocaust.
The Pope is Just a Man
When I was in University I always used to hear the following phrase from Protestants: “Why do you guys make such a big deal about the Pope? He’s just a man.” No Catholic would object to the statement that the Pope is just a man. He certainly plays an important role but in the end, he’s just a man.
In Defence of Luther and a Challenge to the Rabbis
Today Protestants and some self-hating Catholics across the globe are celebrating the career of the renegade and apostate monk named Martin Luther. Being Catholic, I oppose his theology and his career as a “reformer”. Regardless, many articles have been popping up on the anti-Semitism of Martin Luther. They say that he paved the way for the holocaust. Of course when people say this, they often take a shot at the Catholic Church as well saying they were no better.
Muslims, Catholics, Consistency, and the Counter-Jihad
September 11, 2001 was an interesting day for all of us. I remember where I was when I heard about the towers coming down. That was also the moment when everyone had to become an expert on Islam.
James White and Reformation History
It’s that time of year again. It’s nearing October 31 and Dr. White is talking about the reformation. Ironically, he’s making it less glorious than he’s made it out to be in the past. A bit odd in my opinion. He covered several topics a while back. I want to comment on some of them. The times are for the video above.
The Great Irony of Surah 4:157
Anyone who’s familiar with Christian apologetics against Islam knows about Surah 4:157. It’s the verse in the Quran that forces Muslims to oppose the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The verse was “revealed” 600 years after the event that is at the center of the Christian faith.
A little help from Pope Pius X
It’s October 2017. This is the month that many Protestants will celebrate the so called “reformation” since it’s 500 years from the posting of Martin Luther’s complaints on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. I’ve been thinking of Protestants a lot this month. If Luther had not done what he did, the people who today call themselves Protestant would be attending the Roman Mass and praying the Rosary.
Bart Ehrman: Prophet of Islam
Christianity and Islam have a very different history when it comes to apologetics. Christianity needed to engage in apologetics immediately whereas Islam didn’t need to. Islam had an empire and held the sword over Christians. Even if the Christians could refute Islam, it didn’t matter because they were ruled by the Islamic Caliphate.