What makes a country a Christian Nation? In most Western countries about 80% of people are baptized and traditional Christian holidays are celebrated. December 25 is a day off in most Western countries. Also, if we drive through towns and cities we see Churches everywhere. Are we a Christian nation? The answer is no.
Category Archives: Atheism
The Faith Of Christopher Hitchens
A Review
During my University years a flurry of atheist books came out. Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and of course Christopher Hitchens came out with polemics against religion. I picked up a copy of God is Not Great and read it through. Hitchens could write really well and he sure could argue. He was not afraid to take any position, no matter how unpopular, even amongst his fellow atheists.
Orlando And The Pharisees
In the days following the mass shooting of homosexuals in Orlando by an Islamic supporter of ISIS, I have some thoughts. It’s quite amusing to look at the angry anti-Christian leftists in the media. They simply don’t know what to do. If this was a fundamentalist Christian who killed these homosexuals, there would be no problem. Since it was a Muslim supporter of ISIS they’ve had problems. The media will fall on its sword for Islam and for homosexuality. The poor leftists are confused. It’s kind of amusing to watch them running in circles like a dog chasing its tail.
Sharia, The West, And The Christian Faith
A few years ago, I watched this debate between David Wood and Anjem Choudary. The topic of the debate is: “Would Sharia Help the West?” Sadly, David Wood took the wrong approach. Attacking Sharia is good but then when he went about defending how things are in the West I shook my head.
The Case For Jesus By Brant Pitre
A Review
A Response To Melissa The Chemist
Apologetics And The Current State Of Affairs
If one looked at the world between 1900 and 1950 you would see significant differences. In 1900, the Tsar was in power in Russia, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was still alive in Southern Europe, and the Ottoman Empire still existed though it was well past its glory days. By the year 1950, Communists ruled Russia, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empire no longer existed and a Jewish State existed in the middle East. Russia’s communist errors had spread to most of Eastern Europe, China, and elsewhere. Interestingly enough, only two superpowers existed and both wanted to spread their vision for humanity. Those nations were Russia and America. Many other changes could be mentioned.
A Merry Christmas To All
St. Paul Refutes Atheism
Richard Dawkins is refuted 1900 years before his birth
Many Christians today are confronted by atheists in their culture. While most are mild and gentle, many of them are aggressive and want nothing more than to destroy the faith of Christians. In response, many Christians have gone to Christian bookstores and purchased the latest and greatest books in refuting atheism. While this is a great tactic, you don’t need to look that hard for the answer. It is right in front of you in the pages of Scripture.