Bart Ehrman has really been helping the enemies of God. He has quite a corpus of material against Christian orthodoxy. Atheists and Muslims are more than eager to purchase his books and accept his conclusions; often uncritically. Sadly, there is nothing that we can do about this except to learn to respond to these criticisms.
Category Archives: Apologetics
The False God of Lauren Southern
Today Canadian conservative pundit Lauren Southern posted a video which basically says that Muslims are invading our culture. She said that they have high fertility rates and are threatening our precious Western values which no one is standing up for any longer. I’m embarrassed to say that when I was her age, I thought in this ridiculous manner as well.
Responding to Sam Shamoun, Brittany Gefroh, and
A little over two weeks ago, I posted a response to Matt Slick on how the Catholic Church has viewed the Apocrypha. Protestant Apologist Sam Shamoun posted it on his Facebook page and asked how his followers would respond to the three questions that I posed to Matt Slick.
The Christian says that Muhammad is not in the Bible. The Jew says Jesus is not in the OT. Are these even claims?

Isaiah 53 from the Isaiah scroll found in the Qumran cave. The scroll is 100 years older than Jesus and it is the Greatest Prophecy fulfilled in human history.
Because of Surah 7:157, Muslims are forced to find Muhammad in the Torah and the Gospels. I hate to spoil it for my readers but let me confidently tell you the he’s nowhere to be found in either of those texts. I personally think deep down that most Muslims know this but only the apologists try to fit this square peg into a round hole.
Where are the Islamic Christians?
My greatest critique of Islam is that it is an ahistorical religion. Their key text, the Quran, re-writes religious and secular history. As a Christian, when I dialogue with a Muslim, I focus on the character of Christ. According to the Quran, the earthly disciples of Christ were Muslims. In Surah 5:111 we read:
Refuting Matt Slick on the Historicity of the Canon
Matt Slick is an extremely anti-Catholic polemicist. He claims to know a lot but whenever he debates a Catholic apologist he comes up short. This was the case with Mark Bonocore and Robert Sungenis. He claims that he’s studied what Catholics believe for years but I just don’t see that with his knowledge of Catholic theology and Church history.
The Bible, Higher Criticism, and Islamic Apologetics
How does an Islamic Apologist view the Bible? Well, they’ll say its been corrupted, but how much truth remains? If you quote Paul to an Islamic apologist, they’ll just dismiss it as Paul. However, if you quote Jesus to them, they’ll question whether it’s original to the real Jesus. If you quote John, they’ll simply say it’s late and unreliable. However, if you quote Mark against Islam, that doesn’t hold water either. Islamic apologist Shabir Ally simply says that Paul wrote before Mark and this theology influenced the Gospel writer. This would hold truth for the other Gospels as well. At the same time, people like Ally and others will quote the Gospels to try and prove Islam. The Bible is good enough to prove Islam but not good enough to falsify it.
Tovia Singer Speaks Some Truth
Anyone who reads this blog knows that I’ve critiqued Rabbi Tovia Singer in the past. A search on this blog will bring up some posts about him. On Rabbi Singer’s website, he has an article called Why do Christians Become Enraged When Fellow Parishioners Choose to be Chosen? He brings up something interesting in this article. He writes:
Exposing the Noahide Fraud
Who are the Noahides? Over the last 30 years, there has been this movement among Jewish apologists. They claim that God does not want everyone to be Jewish, however God apparently wants Gentiles to follow seven laws that were given to Noah. A plain reading of the Bible shows that these laws weren’t given to Noah, however these laws exist throughout the Old Testament.
James White, Yasir Qadhi and the Ecumenical Movement
I happen to watch quite a few UFC fights. If I were to go back to visit my parents in my hometown, and talk to my mom and she said: “How were the fights yesterday? Didn’t you think the main event was a good fight?” my jaw would simply drop. Obviously I talk with my mom often and I also discuss UFC with some friends. I happen to know that my mom isn’t a fan and if she wanted to discuss the fights, something would seem quite out of place.