Muhammad and the Daughters of Jerusalem

Women from Jerusalem

In the past, I’ve written several posts on the theory that Muhammad is predicted in the Song of Solomon.  I did a post about the context of the book and how it promotes the drinking of wine in a positive way.  I looked at the word that is supposedly Muhammad’s name and showed that those who know Hebrew don’t spell Muhammad’s name that way.  That includes Muslims and Quran translations into Hebrew.

Netflix, Jessica Jones, and Leftist Insanity

On Saturday I was at my old roommates place and we decided to watch a pilot of a Netflix original program.  We decided on Jessica Jones.  It only took 20 minutes for the homosexual propaganda to come full force.  There were these two homosexual women who were together.  One was a lawyer named Jeri and she and her secretary named Pam show a homosexual “love” interest in each other.

What do Sola Scriptura and Tawheed have in Common?

Mecca – The city where Tawheed was invented

In debating with Protestants, a doctrine that usually comes up is Sola Scriptura, aka Scripture alone.  In debating with Muslims the concept of Tawheed vs Trinitarianism comes up.  For those who don’t know, Tawheed is the word for Islamic Unitarianism.  As a Catholic, I believe both Sola Scriptura and Tawheed to be false doctrines and ironically their apologists make the same logical flaw in defending them.

Another Conversation from the Birthday Party

View from the balcony where the discussion took place.

The discussion about ex-Muslims was good but earlier in the evening another discussion took place.  The birthday was at a downtown condo.  I had a good discussion on the balcony with a lady from my Church.  The topic of discussion was the presence of Islam in the West and the Identitarian movement, specifically a YouTube video including Martin Sellner.

Identitarianism Won’t Save Europe

Above is an interview of Martin Sellner, who is a leading Identitarian in Europe.  What is the goal of the Identitarian movement?  To save Europe from Islam of course.  In this interview we find some disturbing things.  It’s all about ethnicity.  It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian, atheist, neo-pagan, socialist, or capitalist.  It’s all about being European and non-Islamic.  That’s essentially what it is.

A Week of Dialogues, Scott Hahn, and the Old Testament

The Book of Psalms in my Russian Bible

Last week I was having coffee with one of my friends who is a member of the Orthodox Church.  She told me earlier that she wanted to get together and ask me about the differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy.  Instead, most of our conversation focused around Islamic apologetics.  She’s from a Muslim country so this made sense to me.  It was ironic because we were in a mall at a coffee shop and there was a Muslim at the next table.  He seemed very knowledgeable.  He was with a girl and it seemed that he was telling her about Islam.  He was quoting sources like the Quran and the Hadith.  I wanted to engage him in debate but I didn’t want to interrupt his conversation with this girl.

Christopher Hitchens Was Almost Correct

Christopher Hitchens

I was recently going through my book collection which is getting pretty large these days.  I happened to come across a book that was published in 2007 and that I read in 2008.  This was my early days of apologetics.  The book was written by Christopher Hitchens and titled: God is not Great: How Religion Poisons everything.  Ah yes, what a catchy subtitle.

Lauren Southern is Anti-Christian

As an apologist who deals with Islam, I believe that we should be careful about the arguments that we use against them.  They should be thought out and well researched.  In terms of those blog posts on Surah 5, they actually came after carefully researching the passage through Islamic commentaries and the historical context and even field testing them against Muslims.  A good example would be to look at Protestant arguments against Catholicism.  Here’s an example: