Ahmed Deedat, Zakir Hussain, and the Sign of Jonah

The sign of Jonah is used by many Muslim apologists to try to force an error into the mouth of Jesus to show that the NT contains a false prophecy and that we need to go to their seventh century text for the answers.  I really wish that they wouldn’t do this because it’s nitpicking.  It’s not going for the whole picture, but nitpicking at the peripherals.  Still, they’re wrong on this one.

Catholicism and Tribal Identity

The Hagia Sophia
A Christian Church turned into a Mosque by Muslims, turned into a Museum by Masons.

When trying to spread the Catholic faith, one of the biggest problems that arises is betraying the religion of the tribe.  Catholicism can easily be shown to be a universal faith.  It has a dynamic presence on every continent and is therefore compatible with any culture in the world.  It’s not affiliated with a certain culture or regional area.  However, for many cultures, Catholicism is completely foreign.

Sam Shamoun is Correct…But I Saw it First!


David Wood has been busy on his YouTube channel recently.  He’s currently putting out a 30 day series over Ramadan called Islamicize Me, which is a parody of the documentary Supersize Me.  However, instead of eating fast food for 30 days straight they’re following the commands of Muhammad for 30 days, including the weird hadith commands that most Muslims don’t know about or ignore.  However, I’m more interested in the serious work that he’s been putting out like the video above.  It’s a video of David Wood, Sam Shamoun, and Al Fadi going over Islamic arguments.

The Best Church Fathers for Apologetics

The place to start

I’ve read quite a bit about the early Church.  The works of the early Church Fathers have always been a delight to read.  I’ve been thinking recently that if I would give a list of my favorite books to read of the Fathers, it would be an interesting list.  However, recently I’ve been thinking that in terms of apologetics, there is a completely different list.

Michael Coren on Politics and Jesus

Only Five Years Apart!

On May 24, Michael Coren came out with an article called Conservatives Don’t Own Jesus.  The reason that I’m not addressing this sooner is because Coren long ago blocked me on Twitter so I haven’t been able to follow his work as thoroughly.  He’s a pretty big voice in Canada so he cannot be ignored.  It seems like only yesterday he was writing Catholic apologetic books but now he’s promoting full blown socialism.

Two Kinds of Protestantism versus Judaism

King Henry VIII – Founder of the Anglican Religion

As I mentioned in a previous post, the religion of Judaism was born after the second Temple was destroyed.  Judaism was formed by Jochanan ben Zakkai for the Jews who didn’t want to follow the Messiah.  One thing about Judaism is that it is a tribal religion.  A few converts come in here or there, but overall, it’s a tribal religion.  Usually when someone converts the born Jews say: “Welcome to the tribe!”