For those of my readers not familiar with apologetics, I will explain the situation regarding supposed Pseudo-Pauline authorship. In the NT, we have 13 epistles with St. Paul’s name on them. I’m going to be dividing them into three categories.
Category Archives: Apologetics
Pauline and Supposed Pseudo-Pauline Authorship
More intelligent enemies of the Christian Faith really cling on to the theory that St. Paul didn’t write half of the books described to him. Muslims really like this theory, not because they actually care what St. Paul wrote as most Muslims don’t much like St. Paul, but to discredit the New Testament. Why should we trust a document containing multiple forgeries? It’s a valid point. If I believed that the NT was full of forgeries, I wouldn’t trust it for theological purposes; historical purposes maybe but certainly not theological. I simply believe that the NT doesn’t contain forgeries.
Off to the Land of Euromaidan
I really wanted to talk about the Pope’s change to the CCC but unfortunately the timing was a bit off. I leave for vacation tomorrow. I’m off to the land where it seems Stepan Bandera has been resurrected as a national hero. Yes, I’m off to the Ukraine; the land of my maternal ancestry and Euromaidan.
Robert Spencer vs. E. Michael Jones
I had heard a month or two ago that Robert Spencer had left the Catholic Church. Some Google searching had suggested that he had joined the Orthodox Church which is apparently the Church he was baptized into as a child. It’s disappointing to see people leave my faith but Robert Spencer had never criticized Islam from a Catholic perspective and the above video certainly shows that.
The Western Convert to Islam and the Muhammad Problem
Westerners are not typically attracted to Islam but there are exceptions. A small group inside of those who are attracted to Islam become converts. What attracts them to this foreign religion? They probably think that the Trinity is esoteric and Tawheed makes more sense. They probably don’t like the Christian doctrine of atonement. They probably like the fact that the Quran has never been changed. The latter statement is utterly false according to Islamic sources. Anyways, these are some of the reasons that they convert.
The Crusade Against Erdogan
Last weekend was the Turkish festival in my city. It was downtown and not too far from where I lived so I decided to go. I remember how on Canada day I engaged the Muslims at the dawah booth at the festival downtown. I expected to find a Muslim booth but I didn’t know what to expect in terms of dawah.
What Muhammad Left Out
I recently re-watched one of my favorite debates which included David Wood and Zakir Hussain. The debate took place many years ago and was called Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and the Covenant. I remember being impressed with a lot of David Wood’s answers. However, in re-watching the debate, I was a bit disappointed in something that David Wood did, or rather didn’t do.
What David Wood and Christopher Hitchens Have In Common
Last week was my birthday. I had some people over for a party at my house and the topic of Islamicize Me came up. Of course Islamicize Me is the mockumentary about Islam and the teachings of Muhammad produced by apologist David Wood. I recently wrote a post on this series and my thoughts on it so I won’t go over that again.
My First Youtube Video
As one can gather from the title, I have published my first video on Youtube. Yesterday my country turned 151 years old so there was a festival downtown. I found out on Facebook that some Muslims were going to set up a dawah booth. I thought that this was a good opportunity for some debate. I took a little walk downtown and engaged them in debate. How did I do? Well, the viewers can look for themselves and make their conclusions but I want to share how I thought that I did.
Aisha’s Marriage to Muhammad – The Taboo Subject of Her Age
When Christians or Western Secularists deal with Western Muslims who give dawah, one common thing to do is to point out the fact that Muhammad had sex with Aisha when she was nine. Some will call him a pedophile for doing that. I want to assess this whole scenario. I want to deal with this because recently a Christian and a Muslim who frequently comment on this blog had an argument surrounding this issue. I want to give my take on it.