The IHRA Definition of Antisemitism is Fraudulent

It’s been about a month since the shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue.  After that happened a friend of mine on social media wrote a post and said that the biggest antisemitism is saying that we shouldn’t preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jews.  She said it in a very respectful way but that didn’t matter.  Many Jews swarmed her page.  The word antisemitic was thrown around multiple times.  This one Jewess was viciously attacking me.  Her arguments were so ridiculous that I just started calling her an antisemite because I simply stopped caring at that point.  

Mainline Protestantism – A Project Doomed to Fail

I’ve been talking about Mohammed Hijab and Islam quite a bit lately so I thought I’d change it up and share some thoughts on some key issues.  On Saturday I was at a function in my city.  Most people at the function were from Eastern Europe, specifically Ukraine or Russia.  It was quite an event.  I had a good long discussion with an Orthodox priest that I knew.  He knows that I’m Catholic and he told me that Catholics were hard to convert.  He mentioned that it was easier to convert Episcopalians or another mainline Protestants.  He mentioned that he’s only converted one Catholic in his whole life, and he’s not a young priest.

Nicene Trinitarianism and Islamic Apologetics

St. Athanasius – Defender Of The Incarnation

I’ve noticed a new trend in Islamic apologetics.  It’s clever, I’ll admit that.  I believe it started with Adnan Rashid in a debate that he had with James White a few years ago.  I could be wrong about that but regardless of the origins, it’s the argument that matters.  This is applied to both the Scripture and the Church fathers.  I want to deal with the Church fathers specifically.

Why Mohammed Hijab is Dangerous

In my previous two posts on Mohammed Hijab, I marveled in his impressive speaking skill.  He’s one of the best speakers that I’ve ever seen.  If I were to look at all of the Christian and Muslim apologists on the planet and find the best speaker among all of them, I would give it to Mohammed Hijab.  This is what makes him dangerous.

David Wood vs. Mohammed Hijab Debate Review

Trinity or Tawheed?  A very important question.  Recently David Wood and Mohammed Hijab debated this topic.  In my last post, I briefly dealt with one of the key arguments of Mohammed Hijab.  In this post, I will discuss the entire debate.

Refuting Mohammed Hijab

I recently watched the debate between David Wood and Mohammed Hijab about Trinity vs. Tawheed.  A lot of arguments were raised by both sides but I want to deal with an argument that Mohammed Hijab presented.  He presented a good argument and I believe it was a valid argument.  Wood answered this but I don’t think his answer quite did the argument justice.

When a Christian Reads the Quran For the First Time

My First Quran

As a Christian apologist, I’ve read the Quran numerous times.  I’ve made a goal to know it better than most Muslims.  I recently had a religious discussion with a friend of mine from Gaza.  When we were done he said that I knew the Quran better than most Muslims.  I also had the privilege of explaining to him where Rabbinic Judaism comes from as he’s a Palestinian and has felt the wrath of Israeli ethnic cleansing.  

Surah 2:79 and Bible Corruption

Sacred Scripture

If you’ve ever had dialogue with a Muslim on religion, you’ll find out very quickly that he believes that the previous Scriptures are corrupted and unreliable.  Sometime before the Quran was revealed the Scriptures got corrupted.  Where and when did they get corrupted?  If you ask five different Muslims, you’re likely to get five different answers, unless they tell you that they don’t know.  The interesting thing is to look in the holy book and see what it says.

Muhammad and Joseph Smith Were Right on a Certain Point

As a Catholic, I’m always open to investigating claims of prophethood.  I talk a lot about Islam on this blog but Islam is not the only world religion with a false prophet.  There is Mormonism as well.  Mormonism is another religion that started with a false prophet who in many ways was similar to Muhammad.  A political leader as well as a military leader, had multiple wives, and said the previous Scriptures were corrupted whenever they disagreed with him so his claims couldn’t be tested.

The Islamic Jesus and Muhammad

Jesus and Mary in Islamic art

According to Muslim tradition, when Muhammad was 40 years old, he was spoken to by an angel and this made him a prophet.  For the next 23 years of his life, he would receive more of the Quran until he had received it all.  If one were to talk to Muhammad when he was 30, he would not have claimed to be a prophet of God.  What made him a prophet?  The Quran.