Many Muslims on my Twitter feed have been retweeting a man named Dr. Craig Considine. This man is a self proclaimed Catholic and he constantly obsesses over Islam, particularly the person of Muhammad. In the above tweet from a couple of days ago he talks about how Muslims say that they love Jesus but Christians never say that they love Muhammad. It’s also ironic that this tweet was the only tweet on August 15 which was the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. He didn’t wish his fellow Catholics a happy feast of the Assumption. He told us to love Muhammad instead.
Category Archives: Apologetics
Islam and the Assumption of Mary
Yesterday Catholics around the world celebrated the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven to be with her divine Son. This is a doctrine that is often mocked by Protestants like James White. I always say that there isn’t a verse in the Bible that denies this doctrine. Of course that doesn’t mean it’s true, but I always point out that justification by faith alone is word for word condemned in the Bible and therefore its more consistent with Biblical Christianity to believe in the Assumption of Mary into heaven than justification by faith alone. If I ever said this to James White I bet he’d mention the 24 pages of his book on justification(which I’ve read btw) that deals with James.
John the Baptist in Matthew 11 and John 1 – A Contradiction?
I’ve recently come across Muslims trying to use the accounts of John the Baptist in the NT to try and discredit the Gospels having a consistent narrative. Of course this isn’t new to Muslims. It’s been a tactic employed by liberals for a couple hundred years. It’s not like modern Muslim apologists are attempting anything new.
Ignatius Press, Conversion Stories, and Muhammad
I recently reviewed The Price to Pay by Joseph Fadelle. A few month ago I reviewed From Islam to Christ by Derya Little. Both are conversion stories from Islam to Catholicism. Earlier today I just happened to gaze at my bookshelf and notice the similar spines on those books. They’re both published by Ignatius Press. Although Fadelle’s book was back in 2015, Little’s book is from 2017.
Book Review: The Price to Pay by Joseph Fadelle
Several months ago, I reviewed Derya Little’s book From Islam to Christ. Little is Turkish and she goes through the struggles that she had being a Christian in a Muslim country like Turkey. In her book she references another book which contains a conversion story. The book is The Price to Pay by Joseph Fadelle. Little mentions that after reading this book, she was thankful that she was from a more liberal Muslim country. Joseph Fadelle is from Iraq. While in Turkey you’ll only face social consequences for conversion, Iraq is a whole new ball game.
How the Church Went From Being Greek to Latin Centered
In the early church the two biggest players were the Greek Church and the Latin Church. The Greek Church was larger but the Latin Church was clearly second. I’m aware that there were other churches such as Syriac, Coptic, Ethiopic, Armenian and others. However, these churches were quite small and by the end of the sixth century, most of them had fallen into Monophysitism.
If I Could Give Fr. James Martin One Book
I’ve always wondered what book I would give to a liberal heretic if I ever met them. Obviously Fr. James Martin is the most famous one in the English speaking world so he occupies the heretic slot in the question. What book would I give to Fr. Martin? Of course, Fr. Martin could be replaced with Ted McCarrick, Cardinal Wuerl, or any of the pseudo-theologians who composed the Instrumemtum Laboris for the upcoming Amazon Synod.
My Interview With Sam Shamoun
I have long planned on doing YouTube videos. I kept putting it off and off and off until I realized I just needed to start. I kept on planning but then I just decided to contact someone to get an initial interview in. I called Sam Shamoun who I’ve talked to before. I wanted to talk to Shamoun because he’s a pioneer in the field of Islamic apologetics. He’s been arguing against Islam for over 20 years.
A Formula For Islamic Apologetics
Two nights ago Jeff Kran did a live stream and I thought up a formula. I actually thought up a formula for Islamic apologetics. My degree is in Engineering. Spending four years on that degree exposed me hundreds of formulas. I remember one time when I was in second year doing an assignment with my friend, a friend of mine in fourth year came over and told me a dirty little secret. He mentioned that every single formula learned in an engineering textbook has a computer program that can calculate it for you. Of course they don’t tell you this in these classes.
What Did 11th Century Islamic Apologetics Look Like?
What does 21st century Islamic apologetics look like? It’s essentially just quoting liberals. There’s nothing Islamic about it. Now, what did Islamic apologetics look like in the 11th century? What type of apologetics would St. Peter Damian or St. Anselm of Canterbury have to deal with? The answer might surprise you.