The Game is Up Matthew Vines!

Matthew Vines is getting pretty cocky these days. I found this talk of his online. It’s his last major talk and it sounds like it was given not too long after the Orlando shooting.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that Orlando is hardly even mentioned anymore? My theory is that the leftist media wanted to use Orlando to shame Christians about their stance on homosexuality. A wrench was thrown into this plan when it was discovered that the shooter, Omar Mateen, was a Muslim. At this point the leftist media thought that it could still use this as a smear against religion in general. Since Christianity is a religion, they’ll have to take some of the collateral damage. Things became even worse when they found out that Mateen was a homosexual who had frequented the same club he shot up. At this point the anti-Christian leftist media had no choice but to drop the Orlando shootings like a hot potato.  If you don’t believe me, look at the case of Columbine.  The left still mentions the 1999 Columbine shootings for the promotion of gun control.  Also, in case anyone is wondering, I’m Not Ashamed is an absolutely fantastic movie that everyone should go see.

In this talk, Matthew Vines tries to make it like homosexual marriage is just as Biblical as heterosexual marriage. He really wants it to be a stance that is worthy of debate in the Protestant community. Protestants debate a lot of internal issues such as infant baptism vs. adult baptism, free will vs. no free will, salvation is secure vs. salvation can be lost, etc. These are positions debated within Protestant circles and most Protestants will debate these issues passionately using scripture but at the same time, they won’t say their opponents aren’t brothers and sisters in Christ for holding these views.

Matthew Vines really wants his position to be “just another position that Protestants debate” so that this abomination becomes simply an option. He wants homosexual “marriages” are Biblical vs. homosexual “marriages” are not Biblical to be added to this list of debates. The problem is, that is just as absurd for a Protestant to believe as debating monotheism vs. polytheism using the Biblical text. By the way, when I refer to Protestants, I refer to ones who actually believe in Sola Scriptura, not liberal Protestants who go on feelings along and who try to create a facade of orthodoxy. Vines knows that most “Christians” who support homosexual “marriage” are liberals who ignore the text. He wants to change that and actually try to feign submission to the scriptures.

It should be pointed out that at the end of the talk, Vines had a “woman” come up and give a small talk about transgenderism. This “woman” was dressed in woman’s clothes and was named Robin. Robin is a man who claims to be a woman. If Matthew Vines thinks that this is a position that comes from serious Biblical exegesis then he needs to snap back into reality.

As I’ve mentioned before, Vines avoids Matthew 19 like the plague because it completely destroys his position on homosexuality. It also destroys his view on transgenderism. The words Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female’ in verse 4 aren’t the most helpful words when trying to promote transgenderism.

Throughout his talk he talks as if the traditional view is essentially defeated and its only a matter of time. At 15:20 Vines says: “At the end of the day the arguments for affirming LGBT people from scripture are just better and the arguments for condemning all same-sex relationships from scripture are just really bad.” The audience was laughing and fawning over this young man like he’s the Knight who’s going to slay the dragon and he was being humorous before he embarked on his journey.

He kept joking around and taking little shots at the orthodox position. At one point he joked about doing stand up comedy. Frankly, I found it sickening from someone who completely dodges Matthew 19, Ephesians 5 and won’t engage top opponents in debate.  Everyone is wrong except Vines.  Everyone who took the title Christian before the year 1980 is just so incredibly stupid that they didn’t know what a marriage was.

Forget St. Augustine of Hippo, St. John Chrysostom, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Robert Bellarmine and all the other Catholic theologians throughout the ages.  Forget the great Protestant scholars such as Martin Luther and John Calvin.  Forget the top Eastern Orthodox theologians like Gregory Palamas or the great Armenian monophysite Gregory of Narek.  We can throw all of them out because we have Matthew Vines.  Isn’t it just wonderful?

The following message is for Matthew Vines:

Matthew, you claim your side has all the answers. If that is true, then you have nothing to hide. You should debate Robert Gagnon. Make it three hours. Let’s see if your answers are as solid as you say they are.

You are a public figure and a published author. You can demand a speaker fee and get your travel expenses covered. You’ve done plenty of public speeches before so you have experience in front of a crowd. No excuses.

Matthew, do it!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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