Good Friday, Islam, And Liberal Scholarship

Specifically Addressed To Dr. Shabir Ally, Adnan Rashid, And Paul Williams

The Crucifixion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Crucifixion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

In my last few posts, I have dealt with the subject of Islam. It’s an important topic because they’re over a billion strong and becoming more prevalent in western society. I don’t critique their faith out of hate but out of love for them. They need the gospel just like everyone else.

In dealing with Islam, many of their more educated apologists try to enlist liberal scholarship to their cause in attacking the Christian faith. I understand why they do this but they should know better. I say this because it’s a double-edged sword. They like to read modernist commentaries and other books and say that Jesus didn’t say certain things which indicate his Divinity. They cite the “Christian” scholar as proof. Some well known apologists who do this are Dr. Shabir Ally, Adnan Rashid, and Paul Williams.

However, at the same time those same scholars go out the window when they support something that doesn’t mesh with Islam. Their scholarship and credentials are rendered completely worthless to these apologists who like to use them on other topics.  The best example is the event in the life of Jesus that we celebrate today – Good Friday. Every scholar who studies the life of Jesus, whether liberal or conservative, Christian, Jewish, atheist, or agnostic, believes that Jesus died on a Roman cross under the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius early in the early fourth decade of the first century of the common era.

Every liberal scholar that they like to quote believes this including Bart Ehrman, Raymond Brown, James Dunn, and John Dominic Crossan. The only scholars that don’t believe in this are the ones that don’t believe Jesus existed.  After all, you can’t crucify someone who didn’t exist and that causes even more problems for Islam since the Quran clearly states that Jesus existed. A document written over half a millennia after the close of the new testament is why these billion muslims believe that the certain event known as the crucifixion of Jesus did not occur.  Only one document – the Quran.

To quote the liberal scholars of the people you are debating is an extremely shallow tactic. A few weeks ago I was debating someone of another faith. I had the upper hand and could have easily quoted a liberal commentary of his religion to deliver a final devastating blow. It certainly was tempting but I value consistency too much to engage in that.

Also, I would never quote Ehrman to a muslim to show that the crucifixion happened. I would only quote Ehrman on this subject to show their inconsistency if they like to quote him in other areas.

Since I have the truth, I don’t need to rely on liberals of other religions. It’s very comforting.  I invite all of the Islamic apologists who quote “Christian” liberals to denounce Islam and join One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. You won’t have to quote liberals. It’s a very liberating feeling that I wish they could enjoy.

Again, I call on Dr. Shabir Ally, Paul Williams, Adnan Rashid, Sami Zaatari, and all other Islamic apologists who do this to get baptized. Not only will you receive salvation, but you’ll gain serenity because you know that you’re being consistant.

How about it brothers?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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